Anima Mauve Final Fantasy Type 0

Anima Mauve Final Fantasy Type 0

Souls return to the celestial father, and flesh to the terrestrial mother—so says the law of nature. Some spirits, however, are not so fortunate. Some wander for eternity, searching for a purpose. And it is I who breathes life anew into these lost souls. I beseech you: give me your phantoma and help me provide a new purpose for the afterlives of these tortured spirits.Kingdom Citizen and phantoma salesman in Rama

Phantoma (ファントマ , Fantoma ? ) is the life essence of living beings in Final Fantasy Type-0. Player can absorb it from fallen foes to replenish MP and for use in Altocrystarium to augment spells. Different types of phantoma are distinguished by their color. Different types are needed for customizing and upgrading magic.


Phantoma is akin to the concept of heart and soul in the Fabula Nova Crystallis: Final Fantasy series. White and pearl phantoma are described as energy of the void.

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The way phantoma is obtained is similar to the draw system used in Final Fantasy VIII: by extracting it from enemies. Both systems were created by Takatsugu Nakazawa.

Phantoma appears in various colors, but always as a smoke-like substance that flows out of dying bodies. Phantoma can be given willingly for a cause, as seen when the Vermilion Bird Crystal Secundus l'Cie Lady Caetuna uses the voluntarily-surrendered phantoma of Agito Cadets to summon the Verboten Eidolon Alexander.

Only a handful of elite researchers from the Sorcery Division are privy to information about phantoma. Class Zero cadets receive special privileges, but as Machina Kunagiri and Rem Tokimiya join the class, Arecia Al-Rashia asks Ace to keep the new recruits in the dark about phantoma. Arecia instructs him that Machina and Rem need only to know phantoma is the class's source of magic, explaining why they can circumvent the empire's crystal jammer. Outside of this, information and trade of phantoma is implied to be confidential and in turn illegal.

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Arecia shows the cadets the Altocrystarium where they can enhance their magic in exchange for the phantoma they have collected in battle. Sorcery researchers task the class with collecting specific colors of phantoma for examination, and Class Zero cadets are not the only ones with a clandestine task of this nature, as an underground black market trade features several phantomists in different towns who are looking to trade in phantoma under instruction from Arecia.

Quon Yobatz later defines phantoma as the essence of life, comparing it to a soul. During his quest to master all magic he learns of phantoma and Class Zero's special status, seeking to join the class. When Rem succumbs to her illness, the cadets find she cannot be roused because her phantoma levels have dropped. If Class Zero cadets fall in battle, however, Arecia can restore them to life by replenishing their phantoma.

As Tempus Finis commences magitek creatures known as Rursan Reavers emerge to slaughter the populace. Rursus destroy phantoma, making it impossible to heal those injured by them. At the Pandæmonium, Cid Aulstyne becomes the Rursan Arbiter who seeks to destroy Orience if no Agito steps up to save it. The Arbiter himself harvests phantoma, seen when he absorbs Shinryu Celestia's. When the cadets harvest his phantoma the Arbiter is destroyed, but this also kills the cadets. The Arbiter dissipates into white wisps that disappear into the void around, possibly the phantoma he had harvested.

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When a l'Cie enters a crystal stasis it appears their phantoma is trapped in the mortal realm. When Arecia decides to end her experiment, she releases Machina and Rem from crystal stasis, restoring them to life.

Defeated enemies (with rare exceptions) leave phantoma in their wake, which is said to be their source of life and magic. When Class Zero cadets absorb phantoma, their MP recovers. The amount of recovery depends on the type and rarity of the phantoma, as indicated by its color and name.

Upon killing an enemy, their bodies remain on the field for the player to harvest. Focusing on a foe by targeting them and locking on is crucial; while the camera can be redirected to other targets, there is a significant waiting time for a ready state. The color of the targeting reticule shows the potential phantoma that corpse will yield.


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When one locks onto a corpse long enough, the player character will levitate the corpse, signifying it is ready to harvest. If there are other corpses, streams of red ethereal phantoma connecting to the initial corpse signify that they are also ready to be harvested simultaneously.

Corpses will vanish over a period of time; more enemies won't spawn if there are too many corpses out at once. This includes an enemy's death throes when they are killed, as full death is required for a phantoma harvest; Killsight harvesting removes the delay. Based on certain attacks:

If one extracts phantoma while still fighting, the enemy's corpse will explode upon extraction, and their remains inflict area damage like a magical bomb or grenade. This may be exploited to injure many enemies at once by delaying an extraction for the purpose of Killsight harvesting. Inflicting a Killsight deathblow with the player character on a specific enemy will only allow that enemy to bear a Killsight variation; other enemies must be taken down with the same amount of precision or be placed under Killsight status, as party members cannot inflict Killsight deathblows.

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The statistics system Altocrystarium depends on phantoma to power up the characters' magic. It can augment the magic in different areas. For example, Fire RF magic can be powered up in strength, MP usage, call time, projectile distance and speed, and increasing the Fire RF magic's strength parameter requires six red phantoma. The higher the level, the higher the quality of phantoma is needed for that spell, and some spells may require as much as three varieties to level up.

Each enemy is assigned a type, which determines its drop rates of certain phantoma. They are determined either by the element of the attack, whether the attack is normal, or whether they were killed by Killsight.


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The original story draft was written by Director Hajime Tabata, and largely lacked the elements of the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythology, which were added later by scenario writers when the script was re-worked. In Tabata's original story life energy was not known as phantoma, but was the same energy the Crystals were made of, and empowering a Crystal seemed to open the possibility to birthing a child who could travel between the mortal and the unseen realms—Agito.

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In the final game the relation between phantoma and the one who can be Agito is ambiguous, but the spiral seems to strengthen the souls/phantoma of Arecia's chosen Agito candidates after each revolution.


Compared to the demo, the full version improved the phantoma system to make the character absorb more than one phantoma at a time.

How phantoma comes in a variety of colors helping manifest magical phenomena, and being described as the essence of life, makes it a parallel to artistic mediums; how White Phantoma is considered elements of the void reinforces this allusion. Blue Phantoma being a primary component in upgrading Death spells refers to the color blue's symbolism in East Asia, representative of death, spirits, and closeness to the afterlife. Kikujin Phantoma's importance in upgrading many high end spells may refer to its role as the designated color worn by the Japanese emperor. Rather than a role of ruler, the emperor's role was to signify man's closeness to the gods, as his bloodline was said to stem from Amaterasu, the Japanese goddess of the sun and daughter of the primordial Izanami and Izanagi. He was thus to deal with the affairs of the heavens and celestial world to ensure the well being of the earthly world.

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In the Spanish version, phantoma is called Pneuma. [view · edit · purge]Pneuma is a concept of life of breath, a mixture of elements air (motion) and fire (warmth), in Stoic philosophy.

In the French version, phantoma is called Anima. [view · edit · purge]Anima is a feminine Latin and Italian noun for soul or breath. Ancient Romans believed that one's anima resided in the chest; when a person died, his or her soul escaped from the body with the breath. Anima was associated with emotion and the heart; its metaphysical counter part, animus, was manifested in the brain and in one's sense of logic.

Anima Sola, or lonely soul in Roman Catholicism, is usually pictured as a soul in Purgatory who has chains that bound her wrists, which when broken, mean she has repented for her sins. The Anima Sola requires not only divine assistance, but also the help of the living.


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