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Although most prevalent with our beloved cat gals, there’s no denying that quite a few Bugs Bunnies have been made into Bugs Honeys.
So let’s dive into a whole bunch of anime that fit this mold, and let’s rank the best(and cutest) bunny girls that anime has to offer.
Minase Iori's World~, Minase Iori, Colorful, Dress, Falling, Toy, Corazones, Hd Wallpaper
Chiester 410 along with the other numerical Chiesters are very skilled fighters in the series, originally tasked with ending Christmas by killing Rudolf. Just kidding! It was just some sly bastard in a suit.
Secondly, there really seems to be a pattern with bunny girls and icons. Because as you can guess, Hikaru was also destined for the idol life.
In a similar vein as our #3 pick later on this list, Hikaru also uses a tool to transform into her bunny state.
Bunnygirl Miku, Pretty, Blush, Nice, Anime, Aqua, Beauty, Anime Girl, Vocaloids, Hd Wallpaper
Lastly, she doesn’t really like her name and rather goes by “Rabi-en-Rose”, which through some linguistic magic equates to rabbit in life without worries.
That’s right ladies and gentlemen, in order to transform into her magic girl/nurse form, Komugi dawns some fluffy bunny ears, colorful socks, and lots of pink.
She’s a middle school girl, a magic one at that, somewhat of a nurse, and to top it all off, she’s an idol. Great.
Sunga2usagi Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club Yuuki Setsuna Animal Ears Bunny Ears Bunny Girl Heels Megane No Bra Pantyhose Tail
Firstly, she’s one of the more reasonable characters, being mature enough to point out the elephant in the room without overstepping her boundaries.
Although with the nickname of an average bellybutton, Ini really gives the other girls running after Naoya a run for their money.
The girl is a sage at the age of seven. It took Jiraiya years to get that title (be it with a pervy prefix).
Anime! Azur Lane Laffey Idol Gruppe Sj Bunny Anzug Schöne Uniform Cosplay Kostüm Halloween Outfit Für Frauen Neues Freies Verschiffen|
She’s also a kuudere, maybe you could argue even a dandere, and lived the life of Rapunzel… what more could you ask for.
And yes, this show is all about bunny police girls and their fight against aliens, who are really into sports for some reason.
So not only is she likable, cute, and a badass, but she also sends a good message of eating your vegetables no matter how nasty they may be. We have to do it in order to beat aliens guys.
Anime Picture Azur Lane 1219x1402 637212 De
She has real ambition and is the main pushing force for the band. But beyond that, she still shows some actual human nature of wanting to pull a Zayn and flying solo to the very top.
Okay, everyone in this show is somewhat of an airhead. I mean the entire show makes war seem like a field trip, after all, but misses bunny girl Vert Far Brenton really takes the green cake.
Speaking of which, if you google her you get some really nice desert recipes. So she makes my heart pump faster in and out of the show.
Best Anime Bunny Girls, Ranked
She also has a familiar of the white rabbit, meaning that she will occasionally whip out her bunny ears and fluffy tail proving that the tortoise will definitely not be the winner of this race.
I’m just going to say this, Queen’s Blade makes Kill la Kill seem like a PG13 Looney Toon, and Melona definitely does not help in disproving that statement.
I especially like the fact that she’s not really a one note character; her act changes depending on who she is with. And ever since her introduction she has been somewhat of a wild card.
Anime Picture Azur Lane 1654x2205 622363 Fr
I can’t think of anyone else who throws magic swords at you as a way of flirting and fun, while also not being a tsundere of course.
Kurosagi, although switching between the aforementioned pink and blue hairstyle when flustered, is called the black rabbit. And is the protagonist of the show.
I find her to be quite silly because she’s easily flustered, quick to declare war, and can always be stopped by pulling on her ears.
Idol M@ster, Bunny Ears And Video Game Anime #1232043 On
She’s a beautiful bunny girl too. I mean they even held an auction for her legs alone, who believes in the best in people, even when that is obviously not wise.
And I mean just look at her, she’s adorable in every sense of the word. And her moe meter is through the roof.
Besides just desperately wanting to make that pun, I put Meroko on this list because she is a hoot and a half to watch.
The Keeping Bunny Of Nico Yazawa In Love Live! School Idol Project
But beyond just that, she’s also a very kind and mature manifestation of death, giving us plenty of lovable scenes as she flutters around Izumi and Takuto, and some sadness fuel for when a certain someone goes all Katy Perry hot and cold.
You know before the cliff dive power scaling. She can control light and sound waves making you see and hear illusions. Her master is also called Kaguya.
The writers really couldn’t decide whether they wanted to make Tsukimi a lovable, goofy/fuzzy character, or a masochistic badass. So they did both.
Anime! Azur Lane Laffey Idol Gruppe Sj Bunny Anzug Schöne Uniform Cosplay Kostüm Halloween Outfit Für Frauen Neue 11|
With her bunny ears, fluffy tail and bouncing against the wall energy, I could have sworn she would be the biggest sweetheart.
Can we also just appreciate her “All Might” moment after defending the school and giving her students the thumbs up? Such an epic moment, and an epic character.
She calls herself a genius, and honestly it’s hard to disagree with her. She just constantly seems to be living her best life.
Best Anime Rabbits
The fact that Houki, the tsundere queen, is her sister only adds to the comedic effect as Tobane just can’t seem to get enough of her sister’s impressive “plot”, while the aforementioned sister can’t help but bestow divine punishment on her.
At first glance she seems like your typical girl. But once she whips out that flip phone she turns into a bunny-eared, bushy tail magical girl.
Her and Legoshi’s relationship is one of the more complex and intriguing ones to be found in anime, and I honestly applaud the writers of this show for their effort.
Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Idol
I honestly don’t want to go into the character of Mai, or why she dawns her rabbit wardrobe, as I think you should go into the show blind if you’ve never seen it before.
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